Slightly different facts about Architecture
Slightly different facts about Architecture
- Architecture received his 5 year Architectural degree in only 4 years
- Architecture doesn’t have a first or middle name
- When Architecture throws a party, he shows up 10 minutes later than fashionably late
- If a Grizzly Bear and a Polar Bear got into a fight, Architecture could break it up
- Architecture averaged 5.4 yards per carry in college but never played football
- In the song ‘12 Days of Christmas‘, the role of “my true love” was written for Architecture
- Architecture prefers his liquor brown and without any fruit
- Architecture has many lovers, usually at the same time
- Architecture told Le Corbusier that he should only use the first five points
- If Architecture enters a room, the temperature will rise by 2.08° degrees
- The Universe is expanding at 74.2km/sec/Mpc … Architecture is expanding slightly more than that
- Architecture owns the Dallas Cowboys football team
- It is generally thought that a female wolf will have one mate in her life … unlessArchitecture happens by
- Architecture has many secrets, but he will never share them because they would literally blow your mind
- Architecture has entered the Iditarod Alaskan trail race 4 times … and won 4 times
- Architecture invented water skiing on accident
- 74% of all Valentines Day cards are written with Architecture in mind
- Architecture taught Sylvester Stallone how to arm wrestle for the movie ‘Over the Top’
- No one has ever seen Architecture drink water
- Architecture can tell the origin of a piece of brick just by tasting it
- Chromium, the 24th element on the Periodic Table of Elements, was discovered byArchitecture
- Architecture has never lost a staring contest
- The ‘Heimlich Maneuver’ was originally called the ‘Architecture Maneuver’ but Architecturethought that was confusing so he changed the name to ‘Heimlich ‘, after the man whose life he saved when he invented the maneuver.
- Architecture has never been married but he has been asked many times
- Architecture passed all the tests on the Architectural Registration Exam without having to take the test
- Architecture once ate 50 boiled eggs on a dare
- You can’t follow Architecture on Twitter, but he can follow you
- Architecture knows the last number in pi
- Architecture can talk about Fight Club
- Architecture’s sh*t actually does smell like roses
- At Christmas time, Santa Claus sits on Architecture’s lap
- Architecture once painted the world’s most beautiful oil painting using watercolors
- Lou skips to my Architecture
- Architecture went into the woods to get a Christmas tree and it fell over for him
- Architecture puts his pants on both legs at a time
- When Architecture chops onions, they cry
- Architecture considers practice to be a form of cheating
- The sun does rise and set on Architecture
- Architecture knows the secret behind Stonehenge
- If you have a good idea, it’s because Architecture let you have it
- When Architecture defuses a bomb, he cuts any wire he wants to
- Architecture actually knows what Willis is talking about
- If a werewolf bit Architecture, it would be cured
- Architecture knows what building Elvis is currently in
- It was Architecture that said that the 7th day was for rest, although he didn’t rest
- Architecture can speak Klingon … but he won’t
- Architecture knows all eleven secret herbs and spices in Kentucky Fired Chicken
- Architecture’s To-Do list has won a Pulitzer
- Architecture doesn’t need short-cut keys in AutoCAD
- It was Architecture that told Paul Revere that the British were coming
- As always, unique and funny in his specific architectural way - Bob Borson -
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